Host SoundCity
- A casual introduction to classical music
- Interactive, participatory event for local venues
- Supports local musicians and fosters appreciation for the arts Customizable based on venue and products\Flexible scheduling
- 60 – 125 Attendees
Interactive concerts featuring your product
Classical Music paired w/ Tastings (Wine, Beer, Chocolate, etc.)
Concert goers alternate between tasting your product and listening to a song programmed to match each flavor profile. Venues receive $8 per ticket sold in exchange for offering 4 – 5 complimentary tastings to audience members.
Good for Business
Socializing and interactive music
After a short break following the tastings, SoundCity performs a longer set similar to a traditional concert except with moments of audience participation (yes, they sing!). Venues receive additional revenue by selling products (food, additional drinks, apparel) during the half-way break and second half of the concert.
Supporting Local Musicians
10 professional, local musicians
By partnering with SoundCity, venues support local musicians who benefit directly from remaining ticket sales. With regularly sold out concerts, we also gain 80 – 120 new fans and hopefully you do too!
Cooperative Marketing
Working Together to Reach More People
SoundCity customizes electronic flyers and digital content for you to print or share. We submit press releases, facilitate all ticket purchases through Eventbrite and Facebook, and advertise on local websites/ event listing platforms. We hope you will share links across all your platforms too.